On 30th July 1988 Vimala Sadan Convent was opened in Aurangabad. This centre comes under Aurangabad Diocese. Sisters are involved in the Education, Social and Pastoral ministries. On January 15, 2002 it opened a Social Centre for women and children. Later in 2008, networking with NACO the social centre started a Community Care Unit to HIV/AIDS Patients. After the tenure of the project this activity is continued by giving home-based care to the patients. Now,Vimala Sadan Social Service Society is involved in bringing awareness among the people of Aurangabad about HIV/AIDS and Cancer.
Programmes are organised for different groups of people like ASHA workers, youth, high school students, college students, High Risk Group through special programs on HIV, Cancer and other health related issues. Nutritious food is provided to the patients every month. They are helped to start income generating programmes. Educational materials are given for the children of these patients. Besides the social activities, sisters here supervise the Diocesan Hostel for women. Sisters are also involved in the Prison Ministry and parish activities too.
On 28thOctober1990, ‘Karuna Sadan Convent’ was opened at SateliBhedshi.Prior to it they started mission activities on 8thSeptember 1989 staying in a rented house of a parishioner. This centre comes under Sindhudurg Diocese. Sisters in Karuna Sadan undertakes, education, social and pastoral ministries. In 1991 they opened an English Medium School and later Karuna Sadan Social Service Centre also was opened.As part of Social Ministry sisters organise activities for the empowerment of women, children and youth and farmers. Organic farming, motivational camps, carrier guidance, helping the youth for skill training, Self Help Groups are some of the activities intending development. Sisters are also involved the parish activities like teaching catechism, animating the youth and visiting families.