On 3 rd April 1979, Apnaghar Convent was opened at Shankershet Road Pune. It had been the headquarters of Sisters of the Holy Spirit from 1983 as well as the office of ‘Shanti Mandal’ Society till 1998. Later the office and administration had been shifted to Holy Spirit Provincialate, at Vadgaonsheri, Pune.
Now this centre undertakes mainly social and health ministries. A service centre (Jeevdaan Care Centre), is opened at Lohyanagar, Pune, to render service to the HIV-AIDS/TB patients. Besides home-based care, nutritious food provision is availed to them twice in a month. Deserving children and youth are helped for their education with the support of local benefactors. Teaching in the college and involving in the pastoral activities are other ministries sisters undertake. It is also a study house of the Province.
Jeevdhara was started on 27th February 1983 and it is the Novitiate house of the Province. Here, along with the religious training, the Novices are encouraged to develop their skills in music, drawing, dance, proficiency in language and sharing responsibilities. They are given introduction to different ministries through classes , village exposure programmers, community experience in the mission stations, involvement in the parish activities and personal guidance.